Iron Clad

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Mission Statement (under construction)

We are a group of men devoted to three key, biblical principles to avoid stagnation and pursue fullness of life in Christ:

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17).
We support, encourage, and confront each other.

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themsevles. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12).
* Round table
* No head, no foot
* Thick & thin, united purpose
* Staple for life
* Atmosphere of openness
* No judgment

Spirtual Growth:
"For where two or three come together in y name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20).
Our work is not finished at the end of the meeting. The group is not confined to the time we meet. We battle for the abundance of life for each other through friendship, prayer, and ministry.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Hey Fellas!

Well, it's been a while. We're at the point in the year when we offer the opportunity to walk away from this group (other committments) or to enter (making a new committment). Please feel free to contact guys involved if you would like to be a part of Iron Clad. We look forward to seeing you.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Long Time - Current Discussion

Hey Fellas,

Can you believe it has been almost three years that this group has been in functioning? Most of the faces have changed, but we still have a couple who were there from the beginning. In any case, there are now several strongly planted guys in this group, and we are growing through it. It is exciting.

Here is the discussion that we are currently going through - it was supposed to be on this site about a month ago, but it is here now. We each responded to question one last week, so I'm guessing it may be a while that we are on this.


1. Where do you need God to meet you? In your life, what must you give up to God?
2. Joy: what is it? "...the joy of the Lord is my strength..." What is it to you, what is it to God, if it's different, why?
3. Faith: we discussed a few meetings ago that this leads to safety and trust.
4. How will your life look if you are full with joy? Will there be a change?
5. What battle can be fought for your joy (WTD)? What can we do for one another? What must you do to face the enemy (armor of God)?

It's a thick topic; just remember your answer to number one, so we can continue to discuss everything. O, and we covered number three a few weeks ago - it was sort of informally covered, but covered none-the-less.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

This Week

Hey Fellas,

Unless C.S. gives you a call, the meeting is the usual place, at the usual time: Starbucks (i.e. heavenly coffee place). With all the recent matters that seem to be coming to the surface with so many of our brothers and sisters, I think it is an important meeting to make. The tentative topic will be spiritual warfare/attack (i.e. battle).

We began this group more than two years ago for the purpose of living as men who will battle beside one another in prayer, purpose, integrity, and ministry. We said that this year we wanted to grow as an accountability group, and we wanted to begin to trust the prayerful support of one another.

I can say that I pray for my brothers and sisters daily. I know I have felt your prayers. And now, we all seem to be experiencing a similar circumstance in life. We must be doing something right to face such opposition. We must be giving glory to God, because the enemy is seriously taking notice of us. We have moved from a place of stagnancy, to refreshment, and now to contention (soon we shall receive a new anointing – a filling).

Ironically, this is all part of the process of renewal (think wine skin). It seems that we are experiencing this process as a local portion of the Body of Christ. This is good news! Let's pray that these thorns in our side bless our Creator, and let's give Him glory!


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Last Minute Notice R-Us

Well, as you have noticed, it is Wednesday March 1, and tomorrow is Thursday, March 2 (the first Thursday of March). So, we will all see each other VERY SOON - hint, hint, cough, cough. I sure could go for some Starbucks coffee soon :)


The previous was not (hint, hint, cough, cough) a reminder about the Iron Clad meeting Thursday, March 2, 2006.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Prayer Requests
Well, our meeting is this Thursday, but there are some pressing matters that call for our prayers. First, Jason went to the ER for an issue with his throat; so he needs prayer for quick and effective healing. Second, Curt will be in Court on the 15th, and obviously court is NOT fun; he will need our prayers to effectively serve the Lord in spite of anxiety/fear. I'm sure there are more prayer requests, in addition to those of last week, so feel free to post any prayer requests you have.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

From One Meeting to the Next

Well, we had a great meeting on Thursday. Four of us showed, Starbucks coffee flowed, and our discussion ranged from Jeremiah to Job (Goal 4) to ninja-octopi (Goal 5... loosely). God's spirit was with us, and it was very encouraging to have fellowship, prayer, and discussion in such a public place without the faintest hindrance of the fear of man. It seemed like home away from home. And several people in the coffee house were listening intently to us, at times, but it seemed to hinder neither the Spirit nor our fellowship.

Looking forward and connecting last week's discussion, I think there is a lot to Chet Fahrmeier's teaching today (WorldView). It reminded me of The armor of God (specifically the cleats of readiness). Would anyone object to looking into Ephesians next week? Please bring on any scripture that jumps at you on that topic (Dissapointment and Discouragement vs. Eternal Perspective and The Next Generation).

Well, same time, same place, and same purpose, but on Thursday, February 16...
