Iron Clad

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Nature vs. Nurture

Well, you may have heard something of this debate in a psychology class or science class. However, let's bring it into the Church. We have discussed our environment, in terms of the media - the influence that the popular culture has on our mindsets. The way we think and act is heavily nurtured, by culture, to be self-centered, materialistic, jaded, etc... Now, we must look through the opposite end of the microscope:

If our mindsets are not what popular culture dictates, then what are we supposed to base our decisions on? How are we supposed to think? What qualifies a man as a man and a woman as a woman?

Obviously "the Bible" is the textbook, right answer. However, there is more to it than this simple answer. What does the Bible actually say? We are not just in the circumstance of having behavioral problems that we need to correct. We have fatal flaws in our nature that must be healed over time and were already justified by Christ's death. So, what do we do now?

Four points of interest with this subject:

1. We were created as beings in the IMAGE OF GOD! - what does this mean?
2. We are supposed to be living dead before salvation, if we accept that salvation is new life. - say what?
3. We need other Christians to live as the Bible dictates. - why can't we do it alone?
4. There is always new life in Christ. - so do you continually go back to the living dead and get re-saved? when do we know that we are at "the place" we are supposed to be at? What level is good enough?


  • some of these subjects divide churches and religious denominations; throughout history, these were hot topics for debate.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:48 PM  

  • 1. God looks like me
    2. what.
    3. Because the Bible says so (it's a catch 22).
    4. no, always, 7.

    By Blogger Jason, at 8:37 AM  

  • looooooove thinking about the image of God thing - He created then in His image, both male and female.......i love trying to wrap my mind around how much I am like Him or HE is like me - in emotional make up, mind, will, etc....

    By Blogger Bek, at 10:59 PM  

  • By the way, I posted that comedic comment because I didn't want to spend the time to ACTUALLY answer the questions posed to me.

    By Blogger Jason, at 8:47 AM  

  • Created in the image of God means a lot of things. We have, feel, and give love (I believe) because we are created like God. I suppose God potentially has human features, so I suppose humans look like God, but being created in the image of God really means that we are spiritual creatures with imaginations, creativity, love, courage, honor, unity, and countless other adjectives.

    I also think that it is more than "God is creative, so we can have a little creativity". I think it's more like "We are creative because God is creativity."

    By Blogger Jason, at 8:47 AM  

  • 1.what everyone else said plus the thought that we are able to reflect the beauty and light of Christ into the world... there's a song by Jason Upton that says something like Shine .. they're looking at you but they can't see ME... meaning we're here on earth for the purpose of glorifying God and drawing others to HIM... the world can't SEE God, if you will, so we're here to reflect His beauty, love, joy, passion,... and point the way to THE WAY: our JESUS!


    3.i need help! the perspective of others and the Spirit speaking through those God has blessed me with help steer me and keep me from veering off the path.

    4.heaven. but until heaven, i'm in Christ and He's sufficient! THE PLACE WE'RE SUPPOSD TO BE: in one sense is right here just as i am crying out for THE Savior! and in another sense we need to run hard the race set before us... always seeking HIM, asking HIM to grow us, OBEYING, LISTENING, LOVING,...(justification is once, immediate, and everlasting. sanctification is a process. i can never lose my salvation john6:35-48 but i'll daily need to be saved from myself, my flesh, the enemy, and the sin that so easily entangles me.

    i wasn't going to answer these b/c it's a lot of thinking, but i'm glad i took the time....

    fred enjoyed talking with you, mike! =) thanks for being a friend to him! =)

    By Blogger cheryl, at 4:08 PM  

  • I'm glad Fred enjoyed his time here. I think I can speak for everyone in saying that we were glad to see the both of you.

    By Blogger Mick Ó Seasnáin, at 5:24 PM  

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